Monday, July 27, 2009


Night by Elie Wiesel is considered a classic of Holocaust literature. Wiesel is a recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize. In the latest edition, he has included a preface, written in his old age, in which he talks about why he wrote the book. He says, " I knew that I must bear witness." He became "a witness who believes that he has a moral obligation to try to prevent the enemy from enjoying one last victory by allowing his crimes to be erased from human memory."

It is interesting to compare his memoir to that of Anne Frank. They were both teenagers at the time of the Holocaust. However, her diary was written before she experienced the horrors of the death camps while his includes those experiences. Do you think her writing would have been different if she had survived and written after experiencing the camps? In the book, Elie seems to lose his faith. Do you think you would be able to keep your faith under those circumstances?

Viktor Frankl, who was also a survivor of the camps, wrote a book called Man's Search for Meaning. He states that those who survived the camps were the ones who found a reason to keep living, who were a able to find meaning in the midst of chaos. Elie was "lucky" to be with his father, because each of them survived longer because he needed to help the other keep living. Do you think Elie would have survived if he had been separated from his father?

Posted by Sara Causey

Sunday, July 5, 2009

August Meeting

We had a great meeting on July 2nd. We are currently reading Night for our August meeting which will be held on August 6th at the Calhoun County Library at 6:00pm. We chose My Sister's Keeper by Jodi Picoult for the following month.

At our August meeting, we will be selecting the next book. Please bring your recommendation of a Mystery!!!!