Tuesday, September 22, 2009

If There Be Dragons

While I'm not completely sure that this book is a mystery, I have enjoyed reading it so far. I am about halfway finished with it and have enjoyed the metaphor of problems in our lives to dragons. I love the fact that the guy in the story, Cody, offers to slay the dragons in Brooke's life. Cody is willing to take Brooke however she comes and has surprised her so far with an insight into what is going on and has gone on in her life. She is reluctant to accept him at first, but he is slowly winning her over. I love the romance that is budding in this story. I am anxious to keep reading to see what happens next. I hope y'all are enjoying it as well!

1 comment:

  1. Loved the book, though not really a mystery. If you need to borrow it, just let me know.


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